10,000 Credit Card disputes handled in 2 years

Bendigo Bank

Bendigo Bank Card Services have processed over ten thousand credit card disputes using the Metastorm BPM system we built for them two years ago. This system complies with all of Visa's strict regulations regarding cardholder dispute handling, and fully interfaces with their UNICARD transaction system. Visa themselves are impressed with the system, and are very keen on its use. Bendigo Bank are extremely pleased with the reduction in manual processing and the reduced level of errors and improved customer response times. The fraud analysis introduced with the system has also made the job of detecting fraudulent card usage much more timely and effective.

Not a company to sit still when it comes to improving customer services, Bendigo Bank have introduced other processes including card application processing and automated credit checking, and more are on the way. Today, however, this flagship Metastorm BPM Process takes pride of place on its 2nd birthday!

Click here for more information about our work at Bendigo Bank.

10000 disputes resolved