Procedure documentation for 'User Details'

© Process Mapping Pty Ltd 2009

Owner: Jerome Pearce
Company: Process Mapping Pty Ltd
Designer version
This Procedure allows the setting and editing of eUser and eAssignment records, effectively replacing the same functionality in the Users & Roles utility without the need for database access (which would not be available in most secure environments)

The extra functionality is:

Use of a full name as well as a login ID
Adding and removing of alerts by Map and Stage
A view of User Activity
A view of Alert Lists
The ability to add a Random Password emailed to the User
The ability to set an expiry date for the password

Not to be distributed without the express permission of the author: Jerome Pearce (
This procedure may be modified for your own use, but the original author must be acknowledged.

Global elements

Referenced libraries
Library Version Last published Notes
Form Scripts 1 2004-08-30T20:13:27
Table From Grid 1 2008-09-09T15:46:08
Process Mapping Common Library 2 2004-08-31T18:44:57
Field Type Size Key
eManagerID Text 100
eStaffID Text 100
tManagementRole Text 100
User Details Version SubForm
Fields for User Details Version
Name Caption Variable Type Default usage Dependent Notes
Label12 User Details: Build 13 Label
Label13 © Process Mapping Pty Ltd 2004 Label
Role Description Type
Watch list Users with the folder on their Watch list Dynamic
To Do list Users with the folder on their To Do list Dynamic
originator The creator of the folder Dynamic
nobody no-one at all Dynamic
Metastorm Guest Non registered process users Dynamic
Metastorm Administrator The designated process administrators Static
ework Guest Non registered process users Dynamic
ework Administrator The designated process administrators Static
everybody All registered process users Static
access Users with the role defined in 'Limit access to' Dynamic
Create Full Name Attribute
Raised by these actions
Triggers these actions User Attribute\ \ Create Full Name Attribute

Auto Create User
Raised by these actions
Triggers these actions Warning: This flag doesn't trigger any actions. If it is triggering an action in another procedure, this warning can be ignored.


User Details Process
Folder prefix U
Suffix size 6
Access everybody
Stages and actions
Stage name Type To Do list Watch list Pages Applied to Notes
Start n/a n/a n/a n/a This Map allows the setting and editing of eUser and
eAssignment records, effectively replacing the same
functionality in the Users & Roles utility without the
need for database access (which would not be
available in most secure environments)
Action name Type To stage Re-open Clone Form Roles Flag Raises flag Notes
Create New User User New User New User "Metastorm Administrator" n/a This sets up a new user with the minimum required
roles and the password 'password'. Only they or
Admin can set up the password.
Register Existing User User Current Register User "Metastorm Administrator" n/a Registers an existing user on the system
New User User User "Metastorm Administrator",Manager User Details, Attributes, User Error Log, Process Mapping Common Library.History, Process Mapping Common Library.Status, Process Mapping Common Library.Designer Log n/a
Action name Type To stage Re-open Clone Form Roles Flag Raises flag Notes
Set Password User Current Set Password User n/a On setting the new password, the role 'everybody' is
assigned, along with all the roles selected in the list
New Password User Current New Password "Metastorm Administrator" n/a this allows the password to be updated, and required
entry of the existing password.
Current System n/a "Metastorm Administrator",Manager,User User Details, Attributes, User Activity, Available Actions, To do List, Watch List, User Error Log, Process Mapping Common Library.History, Process Mapping Common Library.Notes, Process Mapping Common Library.Status, Process Mapping Common Library.Designer Log n/a
Action name Type To stage Re-open Clone Form Roles Flag Raises flag Notes
Set Password User Set Password User n/a this allows the administrator to replace the existing
password - useful when users forget it.
Delete User Old User To do List "Metastorm Administrator" n/a On deletion, user details, role assignemnts and alerts
are deleted.
Update Alerts User Update Alerts "Metastorm Administrator" n/a This allows alerts for a Map and optionally a Stage to
be added or removed
New Password User New Password "Metastorm Administrator" n/a this allows the password to be updated, and required
entry of the existing password.
Password Expired Timed Password Expired n/a n/a n/a n/a
Change User Name User User Details nobody n/a Not yet fully tested
Old User Archive n/a n/a User Details, Attributes, User Activity, Available Actions, To do List, Watch List, User Error Log, Process Mapping Common Library.History, Process Mapping Common Library.Notes, Process Mapping Common Library.Status, Process Mapping Common Library.Designer Log n/a
Edit Common n/a n/a n/a "New User",Current,"Password Expired"
Action name Type To stage Re-open Clone Form Roles Flag Raises flag Notes
Edit User User Details "Metastorm Administrator" n/a Allow editing of all details
Random Password User Current Random Password "Metastorm Administrator",Manager n/a Genterates a random password which is then maied to
the user
Edit Attributes User Edit Attributes "Metastorm Administrator" n/a Allows the User's attributes to be modified according
to rules specified in the 'User Attribute' Folder
Note User Process Mapping Common Library.Note "Metastorm Administrator",Manager n/a
Password Expired User "Metastorm Administrator",User Manager User Details, Attributes, User Activity, Available Actions, To do List, Watch List, User Error Log, Process Mapping Common Library.History, Process Mapping Common Library.Notes, Process Mapping Common Library.Status, Process Mapping Common Library.Designer Log n/a
Action name Type To stage Re-open Clone Form Roles Flag Raises flag Notes
New Password User Current Set Password "Metastorm Administrator",User n/a On setting the new password, the role 'everybody' is
assigned, along with all the roles selected in the list
Alerts lists for stages
Stage Watch list To Do list originator nobody Metastorm Guest Metastorm Administrator ework Guest ework Administrator everybody access User Manager
New User W T W
Current W W W
Old User
Password Expired T T W
Role lists for actions
Stage Action Watch list To Do list originator nobody Metastorm Guest Metastorm Administrator ework Guest ework Administrator everybody access User Manager
Create New User
Register Existing User
New User Set Password
New User New Password
Current Set Password
Current Delete
Current Update Alerts
Current New Password
Current Password Expired
Current Change User Name
Edit Edit
Edit Random Password
Edit Edit Attributes
Edit Note
Password Expired New Password
Variable Type Size
cCurrent check
cDeliverAlertsByEmail check
cExpirePassword check
iExpire integer
mRoles memo
tEmailAddress text 250
Test text 250
tExistingUser text 31
tExpireUnits text 10
tFirstname text 100
tFullName text 200
tInitial text 1
tLastname text 100
tMobile text 50
tNewPassword text 250
tOldPassword text 250
tOldUserName text 100
tPhone text 50
tReportsTo text 31
tUserName text 31
tUserType text 10
tVerifyPassword text 250
xcMultipleValues check
xcUniqueAttribute check
xiDuplicates integer
xtAlert text 20
xtAlertType text 1
xtAttribute text 31
xtAttributeType text 20
xtAttributeValue text 250
xtAttributeValueOld text 250
xtMapName text 100
xtSelectedMap text 31
xtSelectedRole text 31
xtSelectedUser text 31
xtStageName text 100
User Details Form
Role list "Metastorm Administrator",Manager,User
Used in actions User Details\ Current\ Change User Name
User Details\ Edit\ Edit
Shown at stages User Details\ New User
User Details\ Current
User Details\ Old User
User Details\ Password Expired
Notes this shows the user details, and allows editing
Fields for User Details
Name Caption Variable Type Default usage Dependent Notes
cDeliverAlertsByEmail Deliver Alerts by Email cDeliverAlertsByEmail Check optional
cExpirePassword Expire Password? cExpirePassword Check optional
iExpire Expire after iExpire Number optional
Label1 User Details Label
mRoles Roles mRoles List optional
Segment1 Segment
tEmailAddress Email Address tEmailAddress Text optional
tExpireUnits tExpireUnits DropDown optional
tFirstname Firstname tFirstname Text optional
tInitial Initial tInitial Text optional
tLastname Lastname tLastname Text optional
tMobile Mobile tMobile Text optional
tPhone Phone tPhone Text optional
tReportsTo Reports To tReportsTo DropDown optional
tUserName User Name tUserName Text optional
Field usage for actions
Action tUserName tReportsTo mRoles tEmailAddress cDeliverAlertsByEmail tFirstname tInitial tLastname tPhone cExpirePassword iExpire tExpireUnits tMobile
User Details\ Current\ Change User Name R O O O O R O R O O R R O
User Details\ Edit\ Edit RO O O O O R O R O O R R O
Attributes Form
Role list access
Used in actions
Shown at stages User Details\ New User
User Details\ Current
User Details\ Old User
User Details\ Password Expired
Notes Lists the Attributes set for this User
Fields for Attributes
Name Caption Variable Type Default usage Dependent Notes
Grid1 Grid read-only
GridTitle Text read-only
Segment1 Segment
User Activity Form
Role list "Metastorm Administrator",Manager
Used in actions
Shown at stages User Details\ Current
User Details\ Old User
User Details\ Password Expired
Notes Shows the User's activity on the system
Fields for User Activity
Name Caption Variable Type Default usage Dependent Notes
Grid1 Grid read-only
GridTitle Text read-only
Segment1 Segment
Available Actions Form
Role list "Metastorm Administrator"
Used in actions
Shown at stages User Details\ Current
User Details\ Old User
User Details\ Password Expired
Notes Shows the Actions available to this User according to
the roles they hold. The Actions available to them as the
Originator of a Folder are also shown.

This only reflects Static roles, dynamically calculated
Roles cannot be foreseen.
Fields for Available Actions
Name Caption Variable Type Default usage Dependent Notes
Grid1 Grid read-only
Grid11 Grid read-only
Label1 Actions for Roles this User holds : Label
Label2 Actions for Folders which have been originated by this User : Label
To do List Form
Role list "Metastorm Administrator",Manager,User
Used in actions User Details\ Current\ Delete
Shown at stages User Details\ Current
User Details\ Old User
User Details\ Password Expired
Notes shows the To do alerts for this user
Fields for To do List
Name Caption Variable Type Default usage Dependent Notes
Grid1 Grid read-only
GridTitle Text read-only
Segment1 Segment
Field usage for actions
Action Grid1 GridTitle
User Details\ Current\ Delete RO RO
Watch List Form
Role list "Metastorm Administrator",Manager,User
Used in actions
Shown at stages User Details\ Current
User Details\ Old User
User Details\ Password Expired
Notes shows the Watch alerts for this user
Fields for Watch List
Name Caption Variable Type Default usage Dependent Notes
Grid1 Grid read-only
GridTitle Text read-only
Segment1 Segment
User Error Log Form
Role list "Metastorm Administrator"
Used in actions
Shown at stages User Details\ New User
User Details\ Current
User Details\ Old User
User Details\ Password Expired
Fields for User Error Log
Name Caption Variable Type Default usage Dependent Notes
CopyToClipboard Copy to Clipboard Button optional
Details Details Memo read-only
Grid1 Grid read-only
Label1 Log Entries Label
LogRecord LogRecord(h) Memo read-only
PostEval Post Evaluation Memo read-only
PreEval Pre Evaluation Memo read-only
Refresh Refresh Button optional
File Type Language
Form\User Error Log\Sent to clipboard.js Client JScript
New User Form
Role list "Metastorm Administrator"
Used in actions User Details\ \ Create New User
Shown at stages
Notes this allows entry of details fro a new user
Fields for New User
Name Caption Variable Type Default usage Dependent Notes
cDeliverAlertsByEmail Deliver Alerts by Email cDeliverAlertsByEmail Check optional
cExpirePassword Expire Password? cExpirePassword Check optional
iExpire Expire after iExpire Number optional
Label16 Create New User Label
Label17 Use this form to enter new user details with a password set to "password'. The new user must set their own password before roles can be assigned. Label
mRoles Roles mRoles List optional
Rule1 Rule
tEmailAddress Email Address tEmailAddress Text optional
tExpireUnits tExpireUnits DropDown optional
tFirstname Firstname tFirstname Text optional
tInitial Initial tInitial Text optional
tLastname Lastname tLastname Text optional
tMobile Mobile tMobile Text optional
tPhone Phone tPhone Text optional
tReportsTo Reports To tReportsTo DropDown optional
tUserName User Name tUserName Text optional
Field usage for actions
Action tUserName tReportsTo mRoles tEmailAddress cDeliverAlertsByEmail tFirstname tInitial tLastname tPhone cExpirePassword iExpire tExpireUnits tMobile
User Details\ \ Create New User R O O O O R O R O O O O O
Register User Form
Role list "Metastorm Administrator"
Used in actions User Details\ \ Register Existing User
Shown at stages
Notes this allows entry of details for an existing User
Fields for Register User
Name Caption Variable Type Default usage Dependent Notes
cExpirePassword Expire Password? cExpirePassword Check optional
iExpire Expire after iExpire Number optional
Label16 Register Existing User Label
tExpireUnits tExpireUnits DropDown optional
tFirstname Firstname tFirstname Text optional
tInitial Initial tInitial Text optional
tLastname Lastname tLastname Text optional
tMobile Mobile tMobile Text optional
tPhone Phone tPhone Text optional
tUserName Existing User tUserName DropDown optional
Field usage for actions
Action tFirstname tInitial tLastname tPhone cExpirePassword iExpire tExpireUnits tUserName tMobile
User Details\ \ Register Existing User R O R O O O O R O
Set Password Form
Role list "Metastorm Administrator",User
Used in actions User Details\ New User\ Set Password
User Details\ Current\ Set Password
User Details\ Password Expired\ New Password
Shown at stages
Notes allows updateing the password and requires entry of the
existing password
Fields for Set Password
Name Caption Variable Type Default usage Dependent Notes
Label16 Set Password Label
tNewPassword New password tNewPassword Text optional
tOldPassword Current password tOldPassword Text optional
tUserName User Name Text read-only
tVerifyPassword Verify tVerifyPassword Text optional
Field usage for actions
Action tNewPassword tVerifyPassword tOldPassword tUserName
User Details\ New User\ Set Password R R R RO
User Details\ Current\ Set Password R R R RO
User Details\ Password Expired\ New Password R R R RO
File Type Language
Form\Set Password\PasswordChanged.js Client JScript
New Password Form
Role list "Metastorm Administrator"
Used in actions User Details\ New User\ New Password
User Details\ Current\ New Password
Shown at stages
Notes this allows replacement of the password when it has
been forgotton
Fields for New Password
Name Caption Variable Type Default usage Dependent Notes
Label16 New Password Label
tNewPassword New password tNewPassword Text optional
tUserName User Name Text read-only
tVerifyPassword Verify tVerifyPassword Text optional
Field usage for actions
Action tNewPassword tVerifyPassword tUserName
User Details\ New User\ New Password O O RO
User Details\ Current\ New Password O O RO
Add Alerts Form
Role list "Metastorm Administrator"
Used in actions Warning: This form is not used in any actions or stages
Shown at stages
Notes this allows alerts to be added for the user.
Fields for Add Alerts
Name Caption Variable Type Default usage Dependent Notes
AddAlerts Add alerts for this role Button optional
AddAlertsD Add alerts for this role Button optional
CopyAlerts Copy all alerts for this user Button optional
CopyAlertsD Copy all alerts for this user Button optional
CopyMapAlerts Copy alerts for this user for this Map Button optional
CopyMapAlertsD Copy alerts for this user for this Map Button optional
CopyPassword Copy Password from this user Button optional
CopyPasswordD Copy Password from this user Button optional
DeleteAlerts Delete deletion alerts for this user Button optional
Label16 Add Alerts Label
Rule1 Rule
Rule11 Rule
Rule111 Rule
Segment1 Segment
UserName User Name Text read-only
xtSelectedMap Map xtSelectedMap DropDown optional
xtSelectedRole Role Name xtSelectedRole DropDown optional
xtSelectedUser User Name xtSelectedUser DropDown optional
Update Alerts Form
Role list access
Used in actions User Details\ Current\ Update Alerts
Shown at stages
Notes Allows alerts to be added or removed for a Map or a
particular Stage
Fields for Update Alerts
Name Caption Variable Type Default usage Dependent Notes
Label1 Select any Process Label
Label11 Optionally select a Stage (no stage includes all Stages) Label
Label1111 Select an alert type (Remove removes alerts for the Map / Stage / Branch) Label
Label16 Update Alerts Label
xtAlert Alert List xtAlert DropDown required
xtMapName Process xtMapName DropDown required
xtStageName Stage xtStageName DropDown optional
Field usage for actions
Action xtMapName xtStageName xtAlert
User Details\ Current\ Update Alerts R O R
Random Password Form
Role list "Metastorm Administrator"
Used in actions User Details\ Edit\ Random Password
Shown at stages
Notes Generates a random password which is then emailed to
the user
Fields for Random Password
Name Caption Variable Type Default usage Dependent Notes
Label1 This will set a random Password for the user, and email it to them. Label
Label16 Random Password Label
Rule1 Rule
tNewPassword Password tNewPassword Text optional
tUserName User Name Text read-only
tVerifyPassword Random Password Text read-only
Field usage for actions
Action tNewPassword tVerifyPassword tUserName
User Details\ Edit\ Random Password O RO RO
File Type Language
Form\Random Password\RandomPassword.js Client JScript
Edit Attributes Form
Role list access
Used in actions User Details\ Edit\ Edit Attributes
Shown at stages
Notes Allows editing of this User's Attributes according to the
rules set in the associated 'User Attribute' Folder
Fields for Edit Attributes
Name Caption Variable Type Default usage Dependent Notes
AddD Add Button optional
AddDD Add Button optional
AddT Add Button optional
cMultipleValues cMultipleValues(hidden) Check read-only
Delete Delete Button optional
DeleteD Delete Button optional
DropdownSelection DropdownSelection(hidden) Check read-only
Grid1 Grid read-only
Label1 Unique Attribute Label
Label11 This Attribute Value is not Unique Label
Label16 Edit Attributes Label
MultipleValuesExist MultipleValuesExist(hidden) Check read-only
Segment1 Segment
TextEntry TextEntry(hidden) Check read-only
UpdateD Update Button optional
UpdateDD Update Button optional
UpdateText Update Button optional
xcUniqueAttribute xcUniqueAttribute Check read-only
xiDuplicates xiDuplicates Number read-only
xtAttribute Attribute Text read-only
xtAttributeType xtAttributeType(h) Text read-only
xtAttributeValueDD Value xtAttributeValue DropDown optional
xtAttributeValueOld xtAttributeValueOld(h) Text read-only
xtAttributeValueT Value xtAttributeValue Text optional
Field usage for actions
Action Grid1 xtAttribute xcUniqueAttribute xiDuplicates TextEntry DropdownSelection cMultipleValues MultipleValuesExist xtAttributeType xtAttributeValueT xtAttributeValueDD xtAttributeValueOld
User Details\ Edit\ Edit Attributes RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO O O RO
Role Description Type
User Dynamic
Manager Dynamic
File Type Language
Map\User Details\SetAttributes.js Server JScript
User Attribute Process
Folder prefix UA
Suffix size 4
Access everybody
Stages and actions
Stage name Type To Do list Watch list Pages Applied to Notes
Start n/a n/a n/a n/a This map allows Attribute names to be set up and
rules specifying their applicable values may be set.
This improves on the Users & Roles utility by allowing
the following rules to be set:

Enfocing single values for an attribute per user

Enforcing unique values in the entire Attribute list (ie
two users may not have the same value)

Allowing a predefined list or selection from a table to
be offered (eg a Department)

Action name Type To stage Re-open Clone Form Roles Flag Raises flag Notes
New Attribute User Current User Attribute "Metastorm Administrator" n/a
Create Full Name Attribute Flagged Current n/a n/a n/a Create Full Name Attribute
Current User "Metastorm Administrator" User Attribute, Attribute Values, Process Mapping Common Library.History, Process Mapping Common Library.Notes, Process Mapping Common Library.Status, Process Mapping Common Library.Designer Log n/a
Action name Type To stage Re-open Clone Form Roles Flag Raises flag Notes
Delete User Deleted "Metastorm Administrator" n/a
Edit Attribute Values User Edit Attribute Values "Metastorm Administrator" n/a
Edit User User Attribute "Metastorm Administrator" n/a
Deleted Archive n/a n/a User Attribute n/a
Alerts lists for stages
Stage Watch list To Do list originator nobody Metastorm Guest Metastorm Administrator ework Guest ework Administrator everybody access
Current W
Role lists for actions
Stage Action Watch list To Do list originator nobody Metastorm Guest Metastorm Administrator ework Guest ework Administrator everybody access
New Attribute
Create Full Name Attribute
Current Delete
Current Edit Attribute Values
Current Edit
Variable Type Size
cCurrent check
cMultipleValues check
iOrder integer
mFixedList memo
mWhereClause memo
tAttributeName text 31
tFieldName text 100
tTableName text 100
tType text 31
xiDuplicates integer
xtAttributeValue text 250
xtAttributeValueOld text 250
xtUserName text 100
User Attribute Form
Role list access
Used in actions User Attribute\ \ New Attribute
User Attribute\ Current\ Edit
Shown at stages User Attribute\ Current
User Attribute\ Deleted
Fields for User Attribute
Name Caption Variable Type Default usage Dependent Notes
cMultipleValues Allow Multiple Values cMultipleValues Check optional
iOrder Order iOrder Number optional
mFixedList Fixed List Options mFixedList Memo optional
mWhereClause Where Clause mWhereClause Memo optional
Segment1 Segment
tAttributeName Attribute Name tAttributeName Text optional
tFieldName Field Name tFieldName DropDown optional
tTableName Table Name tTableName Text optional
tType Type tType RadioGroup optional
Field usage for actions
Action tAttributeName iOrder tType mFixedList tTableName tFieldName mWhereClause cMultipleValues
User Attribute\ \ New Attribute R R R R R R O O
User Attribute\ Current\ Edit RO R R R R R O O
Attribute Values Form
Role list access
Used in actions
Shown at stages User Attribute\ Current
Fields for Attribute Values
Name Caption Variable Type Default usage Dependent Notes
Grid1 Grid read-only
GridTitle Text read-only
Label1 Attribute values will not appear unless the User Attribute 'Full Name' exists Label
NoFullNameAttribs NoFullNameAttribs(h) Check read-only
Segment1 Segment
Edit Attribute Values Form
Role list access
Used in actions User Attribute\ Current\ Edit Attribute Values
Shown at stages
Fields for Edit Attribute Values
Name Caption Variable Type Default usage Dependent Notes
AddD Add Button optional
AddDD Add Button optional
AddT Add Button optional
cMultipleValues cMultipleValues(hidden) Check read-only
Delete Delete Button optional
DeleteD Delete Button optional
DropdownSelection DropdownSelection(hidden) Check read-only
Grid1 Grid read-only
Label11 This Attribute Value is not Unique Label
MultipleValuesExist MultipleValuesExist(hidden) Check read-only
Segment1 Segment
tAttributeName Attribute Text read-only
TextEntry TextEntry(hidden) Check read-only
tType Type Text read-only
UpdateD Update Button optional
UpdateDD Update Button optional
UpdateText Update Button optional
xtAttributeValueDD Attribute Value xtAttributeValue DropDown optional
xtAttributeValueT Attribute Value xtAttributeValue Text optional
Field usage for actions
Action Grid1 xtAttributeValueT tAttributeName xtAttributeValueDD TextEntry DropdownSelection tType cMultipleValues MultipleValuesExist
User Attribute\ Current\ Edit Attribute Values RO O RO O RO RO RO RO RO
Edit Roles Administration forms
Variable Type Size
mAvailableRoles memo
mAvailableUsers memo
mSelectedRoles memo
mSelectedUsers memo
tFullName text 250
tRoleName text 250
Assign Users to Roles Form
Role list "Metastorm Administrator"
Fields for Assign Users to Roles
Name Caption Variable Type Default usage Dependent Notes
Add >> Add >> Button optional
AddD >> Add >> Button optional
Label123 Assign Users to Roles Label
mAvailableUsers Available Users mAvailableUsers List optional
mSelectedUsers Selected Users mSelectedUsers List optional
Remove << Remove << Button optional
RemoveD << Remove << Button optional
Segment1 Segment
Segment2 Segment
Segment3 Segment
tRoleName Role tRoleName DropDown optional
Assign Roles to Users Form
Role list "Metastorm Administrator"
Fields for Assign Roles to Users
Name Caption Variable Type Default usage Dependent Notes
Add >> Add >> Button optional
AddD >> Add >> Button optional
Label123 Assign Roles to Users Label
mAvailableRoles Available Roles mAvailableRoles List optional
mSelectedRoles Selected Roles mSelectedRoles List optional
Remove << Remove << Button optional
RemoveD << Remove << Button optional
Segment1 Segment
Segment2 Segment
Segment3 Segment
tFullName User ID tFullName DropDown optional
tUserName tUserName(hidden) Text read-only
User Reports Administration forms
Variable Type Size
dSessionLimit date-time
iSessionTimeout integer
Active Users Form
Role list "Metastorm Administrator"
Fields for Active Users
Name Caption Variable Type Default usage Dependent Notes
Grid1 Grid read-only
Label123 Active Users Label
Refresh Refresh Button optional
Segment1 Segment
SessionLimit Session Limit DateTime read-only