There are a number of significant additions that allow us to make more dynamic and for functional forms. Probably the most important will be the Field Anchoring and Rich Text fields. 
People fields are a very welcome addition, especially when coupled with the Smart Business Workspace and the ability to initiate real time ‘chat’ dialogs. When the grid issue has been addressed, and selection can be filtered by a role, they will be truly useful. As they stand we would not use them ourselves as it would clash with the times when we cannot (ie when we need to filter fields). 
Panels are very useful, and also allow a great deal of specialised functionality. They are awkward to use properly, mainly because when multiple panels are docked (the only way to create rollup panels, I believe), they are cumbersome to position correctly in order. Forcing us to hide contained required fields to avoid validation also makes them potentially complex to use. I believe they could use some enhancements to be fully effective.
Overall, we now have more scope for fully functional forms, but I do feel that we have a way to go before at least some of these features are readily useable effectively by most Metastorm BPM Developers. Until they are enhanced to make them more useable, I can see a lot of help being sought in the forums regarding these.