This procedure and library is used to add on-line help documentation
facilities to any Metastorm BPM Procedure.
Open and publish the HTML Editing Library.
Open and publish the Procedure Help Library.
Open and Publish the Procedure Help Procedure.
Note that you will probably be asked if you want to select the latest
version of the previously published Libraries. Answer “Yes” to these
There is a Role of Help Editor added to the system. Metastorm
Administrators may edit help folders, but if you wish others to be
able to, give them the role of Help Editor.
Adding the Help facility to a Procedure
Open any Procedure File. Note that you cannot add this to a Library
file, as Metastorm BPM Libraries cannot contain Libraries themselves.
In this case we are using the Query Folder form from the Admin
Tools Procedure.
Select Procedure Properties from the File menu.
Select the Used Libraries tab from the Properties dialog.
Select the Add button.
When the Library list appears, select the latest version of the
Procedure help Library.
Tip: Drag and drop the Procedure column header to the grouping box
above to group procedures by their name.
Press the OK Button.
Now the Procedure Help Library should be listed.
Press the OK button to close the Properties dialog.
On the form, select the Form Segment icon from the form toolbar.
Place the segment in an appropriate position on the form.
In the associated Properties dialog, select the Segment tab, and use
the dropdown to select the Procedure Help Lbrary.Procedure Help
form segment.
The segment should now appear as above.
Now save and publish the procedure.
Using Help in the Web Client
Log in as a Metastorm Administrator, or as a Help Editor.
Open the form you added the Procedure Help form segment to in the
Web Client. In this case it is the Query Folder blank form.
You will notice there is a Help link and a Create Help button.
Press the Create help button. This generates the Help folder and the
HTML file.
You should now be able to see the Edit Help’ button.
Press this to open the Folder for editing.
When the Folder opens, select the Edit action.
You can now add any help you like. You may use any of the
available buttons from the toolbar to add appropriate HTML.
Submit the form to save the changes and generate the HTML help
On the form itself, if you select the Help link you will now see the
HTML help you entered.
The Help appears in a new window. Close this window when you
have finished.
You may also generate help Folders from a blank form.
Select the Procedure Help – Create Help from the blank forms list.
Select the Procedure and the form from that Procedure.
Enter the Help text as required.
Submit the form.
The Procedure Help folders are on the Help Editors’ and Metastorm
Administrators’ watch list. These can be edited from here rather than
directly from the form if desired.