Business Objects
Business Objects probably pose the most challenges when it comes to identification. As we have outlined elsewhere, there are a significant number of different usages for Business Objects. Each usage is potentially entirely different, and requires both different conditions and methods to employ the resulting Business Object.
The different usages of Business Objects we have identified are:
  • Editable table
  • Single editable record
  • Single read-only record
  • List of records
  • Filtered list of records
Although some may appear to be very similar, they still need to be created differently and used differently. It is also possible for some types to be used as others, but there still remains these five unique possible different usages.
Accordingly, we have created a prefix for each of these types. We list them here with a description of each:
Usage PrefixConditionsCommentsEditable tableTablSingle Entire Table
Primary Key
Not read-only
Can be used as a listSingle editable recordEditSingle Entire Table
Primary Key
Not read-only
Unique Filter
Can be used as a Single read-only recordSingle read-only recordDataUnique Filter
List of recordsListGeneral or no Filter
Will not change
Filtered list of recordsFiltGeneral Filter
Expected to change
Can be used as a List
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