Business Objects
Business Objects, which we shall cover in more detail later, are the mechanism for Processes are able to read and store data, among other things. Each Process and Sub-Process will have its own default Business Object created automatically. This corresponds to the table where variables are stored, named after the Process Name. This is essentially the same as previous versions.
What is different is that we can access any other Business Object merely by dragging it onto the Process map. In the case shown, we are adding the Sub-Process Business Object.
A new instance of the Business Object is created and you can refer to it from the ‘Other Business Objects’ pane. Here you can also set the parameter used to reference the data, although in many cases the default is sufficient.
What is more interesting still, is that the same approach can be taken for Sub-Processes. As the layer has been extracted, we can use it in many different ways.
Here, we add the Business Object for the containing Process (we have to decide what is valid, or the run-time Business Object will read and write nothing).
You can see here that we can now reference, ie read and write to, data from the containing Process. In the past, as we had no reference, this was impossible (we could in fact do it, but all validation would fail).
Now we are going to add a linked process. I add another Process, ‘Process1’.
We then add a Linked Process Stage (previously known as a ‘Sub-Procedure’ Stage), and select Process1 as the Linked Process.
As we are used to, a Flag is created in the linked Process.
Again, what we are not used to is the ability to add the Parent Process Business Object by dragging it to the Process map.
Notice the default of the FolderId is set.
We merely need to change that to the Folder Parent like so …
… and we now reference the data from the Parent Process directly. SQL is no longer required.
As an example, using the Formula Builder…
… we can set the child Folder’s subject to Variable1 from the Parent Process.
This is something we could never do before without extensive SQL. This has been a major drawback in the previous ‘Sub- Procedure’ architecture that has caused difficulties for many versions.
What is fairly obvious is that you can also set these variables. What may not be clear is that this bypasses the standard Metastorm BPM transaction management. As such, there is a real possibility the data could be overwritten, or possibly you could create a deadlock.
Use wisely, and treat as a loaded gun, I would say. Having said that, it is enormously powerful, and especially useful when used safely to read variables.
What is not clear is what happens when multiple records are returned. We assume the first will be selected.
In our forthcoming section on Business Objects and Connectors, we shall demonstrate some real examples of design using concepts such as this to enhance functionality and make development easier and more robust.
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