These panes are highly configurable, and they can be moved around easily and safely. A problem with the version 7 Designer was that panes could easily get placed where you did not want, even over the main window. In version 9 this is all better, and you get clear icon markers of where you can dock your panes, and clear indications of where they will end up. This makes learning the placement easy, and prevents many mistakes.
A nice feature is the ability to have two panes stacked vertically. This was not possible before, and allows small panes to be moved to not take up too much room.
All the panes can be toggled from view in the View menu, and all can be unpinned to allow them to slide out when the tab is hovered over, as in version 7.
Additional panes that will not be kept docked are the messages, for validation and deployment as well as a few other occasions, Translations for multiple language editing, and the search pane. Oddly the results of the search pane do not go into the messages window, although they seem very similar in nature. That may be by design or not, but we think the two should be the same.
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