We have a couple of choices regarding the Process layout. One is the Model Style. This is a toggle between Enhanced and Basic.
The second is not a setting but a default for the line style of new lines. System-drawn lines ignore this, but that may be fixed later.
This is the default ‘Basic’ Model style. Analysts will typically use this as it is less cluttered. This is also the style we are used to.
Notice that the Action icons are now larger, which is a welcome reversion.
This is the ‘Enhanced’ style. The differences are that you have ‘quick-launch’ icons to jump to the Visual Scripts for Actions and Stages, and shapes for Stages.
This replaces the need to select the Stage and then select the Visual Script (see forthcoming section) from the properties box.
The shapes for Stages can be selected from the Design menu, or from the Context menu.
These Stages do not represent anything apart from the graphic.
We feel that as the ‘Enhanced’ style is really for Developers, and the ‘Basic’ style is more suited to Analysts, the inclusion of shapes in the ‘Basic’ style would be far more appropriate. Analysts will care about visual aspects, not code, and Developers will care about Code not visual aspects.
We also cannot see the ‘Enhanced’ style being employed for documentation as it is too ‘busy’. Thus the shapes become useless in our view. Pretty, perhaps, but useless as they are.
What it really needs is the shapes to be used in the ‘Basic’ model, but allow ‘None’ to be selected as well (in case you don’t like them). It is a good differentiator of Stages from Actions.
This is the Rectangle shape,
The Rounded Rectangle shape,
The Parallelogram shape,
The Ellipse shape
And finally the Diamond shape.
One puzzling omission is the lack of Shape selection from the Context menu. You can select a Line style from the Context menu for Actions (see below), but not a Shape style from the Context menu for Stages.
Line Styles
Lines also have a Style. We use the Curved style at all times for a number of reasons. Mostly because it is the only one that is unambiguous in all eventualities. The others may not be, as we shall see.
The Line style may be selected from the Context menu or Design menu. You can apply the same style to multiple lines by multi-selecting them and selecting a style from the Context menu …
or from the Design menu.
Here the Direct style is used.
This is the Rounded style,
And the Straight Style
One nice feature of the Rounded and Square styles is that the lines ‘jump’ over each other when crossing. To the left is an extreme scenario.
Line Style flaws
Although these new line styles are attractive, in all but the Curved style (what we used to have) we get significant problems that will force us not to use them, unfortunately.
Imagine the scenario to the left. Not an uncommon one, we feel.
If the Straight style is selected for all these lines, look what happens.
One action has completely overshadowed the other, not even leaving an indication it is there. The Principle of Least Astonishment™ is thus violated.
We feel that the Rounded and Straight styles suffer from serious flaws too.
Take the fairly basic map to the left.
When we change this to the rounded Line style, it becomes impossible to tell in which direction many of the Actions are set. This will definitely be a potential source of confusion, and we would not suggest using them.
The same is true of the Straight Line style.
A nice idea, but it will not work as is, I’m afraid. Back to bendy lines!
Although we feel the Direct style is flawed for general use, it does have one very nice ability. Starting with the layout on the left, we decide we want to move things around.
First we change the line styles to Direct.
Then we move the Stages around, before changing the line style back to Curved. Note that we never moved any of the Actions ourselves.
I think you can see that we have avoided the need from previous versions to move all the Actions around to align correctly with the new Stage layout, which is a big improvement.
Role Swimlanes
Roles, as well as being employed in the same way as they used to be, can be added to the Process map as ‘Swimlanes’.
You just drag and drop a Role onto the Process map,
And a Swimlane is created.
You can add as many as you wish in this way.
The way Stages are assigned to lanes is to drag them to the lane.
We notice that moving on the same lane works too.
This adds the Role to the to-do list of the Stage.
Dragging to a lane adds the Role that corresponds to that lane,
and dragging off that lane removes it.
Notice that when dragging a Stage, the lane that will be used if you drop the Stage is highlighted while the others are dimmed.
You can also change the icon of the Swimlane, so you can represent different roles with suitable pictures, for example, should you wish.
System and Linked Process Stages do not change their To do list but their Watch list when being moved from lane to lane. This makes sense for a System Stage, although we are a bit dubious about the Linked Process Stage.
The most obvious problem we have found with the Swimlanes are that dropping a new Stage onto a Swimlane does not select the Role. In fact, the default To do list item of Originator is set, meaning you have to deselect it.
If that was fixed it would make the Swimlanes much more usable, but as it is you need to jump a few hoops to make it work as it really should, at least not to violate the Principle of Least Astonishment™, anyway.
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