Naming Conventions
Naming Conventions
You cannot have two Actions with the same name in the same Process, regardless of the Action they start at.
If you try, you will get an error message.
What is less obvious is that you cannot have a Stage named the same as any Action either. This is not intuitive.
You can, however, have any number of actions and Stages with the same Caption. The usability will not be affected at all, just the underlying names.
Process Properties
The Process properties are identical with our well-known Map, apart from one crucial difference. The ‘Name’ of the map has to follow the new object naming conventions, namely no spaces, alphanumeric and underscores only, and cannot start with a number.
We are now, however, allowed to name the Process Caption anything we want, even with quotes should we wish. This is what the users will see in the Client. The concept is similar to the field name and field caption that we are used to on forms.
The reason is that we can use different languages to name this and all elements of the Process. More on that later when we discuss the language options. For now it is great to know that we can have any name we like for a Process, regardless of the underlying table. This is something that we have needed, and been asking for, for quite some time, and it is very welcome.
Variable Types
One extremely important addition is the strong typing we get from the new architecture.
In previous versions there was a tendency to add a prefix such as ‘txt’ to the variable name to denote the variable type (as well as other odd and flawed conventions such as the field type). This was often useful as the Metastorm BPM system was not strongly typed.
Now, as we can see, you can both determine the type of a variable at any time, and the system will not allow invalid implicit conversion to be set. At last we can drop the prefix of variables, we feel, as it is now redundant.
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