Using Business Objects
We can now add system generated and custom Business Objects to components in our Solutions.
As you can see, once you have a system of even moderate size, and you have included libraries with Business Objects it can get very complex. Given that every grid requires its own Business Object, they tend to get very numerous very quickly.
Some way to filter and / or group Business Objects would seem to be required to make this list manageable.
Business Objects may be added to certain components. This is managed by dragging and dropping the Business Object from the Toolbox onto the component. These components are:
  • Forms
  • Form Segments
  • Processes
  • Sub-Processes
  • Reports
They will then become an ‘instance’ of the Business Object itself, and certain settings may be changed, depending on the Business Object properties. You may also add multiple instances of the same Business Object to a component. Each will be named by default as <Business Object name>1/2/3 etc, although they can be renamed.
Note that Roles that are associated with a Process will have access to all Business Object instances related to that Process.
In this example we have a simple form with two dropdown fields to filter values listed in a third. In fact, the first dropdown field filters the second as well.
In the Business Object explorer we have the default system Business Objects and the three dropdown option lists. We set local variables from each dropdown selection.
Notice that we have differentiated the type using our naming convention. The fact that the top two are prefixed with ‘Filt’ is an indicator that they are a filtered Business Object and will need to be set to ‘always refresh’, which has been done here (see below how).
When we expand the Business Objects we have added, you can see the parameters we have set. It should be reasonably clear how this should work. The selection of a Building filters the Floor list to show Floors in that building. Selecting a Floor will limit the Equipment list to Equipment located in that Building on that Floor.
We did try to set the variables to fields from the Business Objects, but that will not work since the field is not then ‘editable’. The Designer will recognise when any selected variable is not editable, and makes the field read-only. Local editable variables are required.
You may now drag and drop variables to the component.
Dragging multiple fields gives you the option to create multiple controls or a grid.
Note that some fields cannot be created like this, and must be created manually and then the variable assigned. These are dropdown, radio group and listbox fields.
Here we show what we regard as a relatively simple form. There are several dropdown fields and a couple of referenced fields, it is true, but the number of Business Objects is still surprising.
Having said that, there is SQL as such used on the form itself.
Looking at one particular Business Object instance, we can see that we can set the parameters here.
We are also able to set the ‘always refresh’ property, and the page size, as well as the page size. This is also settable separately for any associated grid, as mentioned above.
We can also rename the instance to a more meaningful description.
This is especially useful if you have two instances of the same Business Object as we have here.
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