Ribbon Menu
The main difference is the ribbon menu. I am not a fan of ribbon menus, but I am learning to like them a bit. The idea that everything is visible is nice, and the icons are useful. The fact that they cannot be customised is a pain in my view. I would like to be able to add my own ribbon pane, at the very least, for my own frequent command. The toolbar is too small and far away to be too useful. This is not aimed at the Metastorm BPM Designer per se, but at the format in general. My greatest difficulty is learning where everything is all over again. Since so much has changed, that is not an overriding factor in this case.
Home Menu
The Home menu shows firstly all the components you can add to a Project. It does not show Project or Libraries, these are added from the main menu.
The tooltip provides more information, as with all the menu items:
This list can be expanded like so to provide a more detailed description:
Solution Context Menu
There is also a context menu on the Solution Explorer, although we did notice that it does not change depending on what is selected. This can cause confusion as the inserted component may not end up where you expect if you have not selected a suitable container.
Both this and the above menu also regard the component open in the main window as the selected component, not what is selected in the Solution Explorer. This can cause confusion too if you have the default of double-clicking to select the component set.
The remaining menu items are fairly standard toggle buttons and a few dropdowns. We shall discuss each as we use the related components.
Design Menu
The Design menu has items for setting fonts and colours, as well as the styles in the Process Map. It also has the Tab Order toggle for Forms.
Layout Menu
The Layout menu is the richest, and probably the most time- saving feature. You can see all the various option, all clearly laid out in our opinion. Never again will I get all my stages and Action clumped together because I can never tell the difference between vertical and horizontal alignment!
View Menu
The View manu mainly toggles the various panes, and it also opens the few remaining dialogs such as translations.
Grid Tools Menu
When you get to various places in the Solution you will edit items in a Grid. When this happens you get a Grid Tools menu. We have noticed this is not always selected automatically, however.
Reports Layout Menu
Likewise, when you select a Report, there is a Reporting Tools menu.
Script Editor Menu
The Scripting Editor has a very interesting toolbar. This promises to be very useful. More about that when we look at Scripting.
Main Menu
From the Main menu you can open the most recent files.
You can ‘pin’ any of these to the list to create a favourites list, as well.
The ‘New’ menu offers a new Project or Library. These are added to the current Solution. The only way to create a new Solution is to close you file and add a Project or Solution.
The only other submenu is ‘Export’. This allows you to export components as components, images or even as Templates (for Forms).
The Import allows you to import Packages, but we are not sure what they are or how they are created as yet. We assume they will be implemented in the full release.
There is also a single toolbar,
With the standard single option to display it below the ribbon.
In the Options you can customise this toolbar by adding all your frequently used commands.
As I usually find, I would like to be able to choose large icons, but this is not possible.
Keyboard Shortcuts
As is also standard, pressing Alt or F10 will show the shortcut keys from there to access each item. This is a nice feature, especially on a laptop with no mouse, I find.
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