System Business Objects
System Business Objects are Process Data, Local (form) Data and Process Context. Each of these are like the ‘Single Editable Record’ custom Business Object type we describe above. Some variables in the Process Context are read-only, it should be noted.
Looking at a form, the system Business Objects are listed in the ‘Default Business Objects’ pane at the top of the Business Objects Explorer window.
For a Form these will consist of the Process Context and Local Business Objects. If any Form Segments have been added, the Business Object for that segment will also appear.
Note that there is no default ‘Process Data’ Business Object. This is because forms are no longer bound to Processes as they have been in previous versions.
Like all Business Objects these can be expanded. Variables may be dropped onto the form, from here as well. Variables that are not editable, such as ActionName and FolderOriginator will be set to Read Only and cannot be made editable.
Notice you cannot set any ‘Parameter’ for these Business Objects. We shall see that you can in Process and Custom Business Objects.
For a Process you have similar default Business Objects, but no Local type and you additionally have the Process Data Business Object. Interestingly yo are able to set the parameter of FolderId for this. We cannot see any situation at all where it would make any sense (indeed, where it would work) to use anything but the FolderId as this parameter. It may be that this is a bug and should not be editable. We suspect this is the case.
It is also interesting to note that added Sub-Process Business Objects do not get added here. This seems in direct contradiction to the way Forms behave. You are forced to add the Business Object for the Sub-Process manually. This may be an oversight, but we are not sure.
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