Custom Business Objects
Custom Business Objects available are Table, Query and LDAP Query. LDAP Business Objects require an LDAP connection, and will be examined separately. What we shall concentrate on here are the database Business Objects.
There are two main differences between the Table and Query Business Object types. Table Business Object is potentially editable, given certain conditions, and it can only consist of one table, and indeed all fields in that table. Query Business Objects are always read-only and may consist of any tables or views and any fields. They may also be based on stored procedures, which is a big step forward.
The only type of Business Object that may be used in an editable grid is a Table. This now effectively restricts editable grids from containing calculated and sub query fields and from using joined tables.
Moving to any Business Object component, takes you to all Business Objects listed in a grid. You may set the name, type, connection and behaviour (read-only or editable).
You may also set the default page size. This may be overridden in the grid using the Business Object, but it is not clear if there is some initial page size that may be reduced still further in the grid. An example would be having a default of 100, so only 100 rows are returned from the server at a time, but a display page of 25. In effect four pages would be cached locally at any time.
There is a ‘requirement’ in the documentation (which does not seem to be enforced) that the grid page size is a factor (divisor) of the default page size, and this implies this is the way it will work.
Looking at a Query Business Object type, you may enter any query you wish. This may be entered manually or using the built in Query Builder.
Even though I entered this query manually, it has been parsed correctly by the Query Builder.
There are a great many settings, as you can see.
While discussing the Query Builder, it is worth noting that this may be invoked from fields where an SQL statement may be used to provide an option list. These are dropdown and listbox fields alone, we believe. Invoking the Query Builder allows a full query to be built, including parameters, such as the above.
We shall examine the SQL Builder separately in a future article as it is very complex and powerful in its own right.
In the SQL we had parameters denoted by the ‘@’ prefix. These are defined in the Parameters tab.
We can set the data type, a description and an optional default value. The default value is set when an instance of the Business Object is created for use in a Form or Process. This makes it easy to create easily reusable Business Objects, but configurable as the parameters can still be edited.
Here we set the default to “N” so that only ‘active’ records are displayed. This can be easily overridden and set to “Y” to allow all records to be displayed.
In the Variable Names tab you are able to view the table columns and set the ‘variable name’, which is similar to an alias. These Names may not contain spaces or symbols.
These variable names are used when binding a field or grid column to a Business Object instance.
Oddly, however, the table column names are employed when using the Business Object for options in a dropdown or listbox field. We are sure this is a bug and it should be the variable name displayed.
Finally, we can test the data returned by the query. Note that this may return no data should a parameter default not be set, or if set to any variable.
For a Table Business Object we have to select a Table from the list. This effectively excludes views and stored procedures.
To build the conditions for this table, you are forced to use the condition builder as shown. Frankly, we find this approach very difficult to understand quickly, and thus we only use the table Business Object type for read-only Business Objects when the conditions are extremely simple.
In the case of an editable Business Object we are forced to use it, however. For a ‘child’ table as shown here, only the FolderId needs to be passed in as a parameter.
The default parameter we pass in is, as expected, the FolderId. This allows us to employ the Business Object on a form without the need to set the parameter.
Note that when we try to Test the Business Object, no records are returned because of the variable used in the default parameter.
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