Roles are another area where naming is important to allow identification.
All roles that relate to a specific Process are prefixed with the initials of the Process. This can be seen on the list above. In general these are dynamic Roles, although that is not always the case.
If possible, Roles relating to the Process itself may be prefixed with the system prefix. If the Role may be used outside the system, which is common, we dispense with this convention, however.
We arrange the roles in the following order:
  • Default Metastorm Roles
  • Process Specific Roles
  • Other Roles
We also add both a Caption and a Description, although generally both are set the same. This is because the Caption is seemingly never written to the database, although the Description is. We happen to think this is the wrong way around. Both can have different translations, but these are seemingly never written to the database.
As you can see, we show this description in our standard ‘Assign Users to Project Roles’ form that we can use in any Project.
We find this a great deal easier than the default approach that ignores both the Caption and Description.
It also does not let you filter by Project, so making even a basic system a nightmare to administrate.
We find that generally the roles will then be easier to pick from the Toolbox. The few at the bottom are from Libraries, although not prefixed as such.
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