Stages and Actions
There is a significant new restriction in the naming of Actions. No two Actions in the same Process can be the same. The restriction used to only apply to Actions from the same Stage.
However, the Caption can be anything you like, so this is not really a restriction that bothers us. In fact, you can now have three actions with exactly the same ‘name’ (Caption in reality) from the same Stage!
It is very important to make sure the name of Stages and Actions is edited, however. Most Process designers will happily edit the caption in place and ignore the actual name. This is not a good idea at all. As we have noted on our Forums, it can even lead to serious problems at a later date if they are renamed.
If you leave the defaults, you will end up with Stage1/2/3 and UserAction1/2/3 in the eEvent table. No auditor would find that acceptable. You can link to the Caption in the eStage / eAction tables (and we do), but it is easier in the long term to avoid the necessity.
Generally we try to keep the real name close to the Caption. To do this we enter the name without spaces or symbols, and then edit this in the Caption property to make it more friendly.
We do the same with Stages
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