Field Layout
A very nifty feature is the ability to resize multiple fields at once.
As you drag one field, they all change.
You can also use the Layout ribbon with the ‘Size Equally’ item to do this. You can, of course, use all the other items we saw in the Process map.
It works however the fields are laid out.
For fields with a changeable height, you can change that too.
When adding and moving fields, they will try to ‘snap’ to alignment with other fields. It is a bit strange at first, but you get used to it quickly. It is a very quick and easy way to line up new fields.
You will get lines to show you what alignment is being attempted, too.
The same thing happens when resizing fields as well.
A typical scenario is drag a field to the Form and it snaps to align with existing fields. Then you resize it and it snaps to resize to match similar fields. All in two simple movements.
Going near to the edge of the Form causes the field to try to snap into place at a reasonable distance.
This will add some sorely needed consistency to Form Design!
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