At long last we are able to turn of the paging of grids. This is a very welcome change.
Paging is in itself useful, but as we have said many times, not when universally applied. Fortunately, when you do set paging, you are able to set the page size at last.
This value is only editable through the up and down buttons (not even using the keyboard arrows), you cannot type here. This will require dozens of mouse-clicks every time it is used (RSI, anyone?). I hope this will be fixed soon!
The single and multiple clip fields are now separate, which makes much more sense. Changing from single to multiple used to ‘lose’ the reference to the variable which is not intuitive.
Form segments appear in the Toolbox, one for each available Segment. These are dragged to the Form like any other field.
They remain the same, however, as you are able to simply select another Segment if you wish.
You are able to set fields off any edge of the form quite easily.
We are not sure if this is by design or not, however.
Labels will now, like Field Captions, just resize themselves as more text is entered.
But I can't make it smaller, not even by editing the properties!
I assume this is because they are in fact normal fields with no control just a Caption. If that is the case, it could be hard to fix.
It is certainly quite amazing that no-one has noticed this yet. Perhaps we are uncommon in providing feedback to users via labels?
As with Process map elements, the Caption can be edited in- place.
The name itself does not change when you do this, of course.
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