Window Panes
We still have our extensive array of panes. Now we have five main panes, the main window, and several other panes that you use occasionally. The main panes are the Solution Explorer, Toolbox and Properties Box.
The Explorer Pane items are sorted alphabetically, with the exception of referenced libraries. This can make it quite unintuitive. We feel that it should probably be sorted according to branch content, with the most common usage at the top. Historically this has been Maps (Processes), Forms, etc.
Solution Explorer
From the Solution Explorer items can be selected by double-clicking (this can be set to single-clicking in the options).
Clicking on a container object in the explorer bar does not open the editing window for items that are edited together in a grid, such as connections and roles. We often get caught by that, but it is something we shall learn.
From the Toolbox items may be selected, and then clicking on the main window adds an element of that type. Alternatively items may be dragged and dropped to the main window.
The main usage is in Maps, Forms and Visual Scripts.
In effect this replaces the Toolbar from Version 7.
Properties Box
Here the properties of any element can be edited. There are many types of property, such as the following:
Formula, using the Formula Editor (more later) or Intellisense.
Text Fields
And there are also ‘buttons’ to create, edit and delete scripts.
The property box categories, like the toolbox, can be rolled up or collapsed.
Unlike other panes, the contents can be sorted alphabetically as well. This may make it easier to find certain properties. But we suspect it will be used only rarely.
You can also see the full description of the selected item in the lower pane. This is very handy and avoid you having to expand the Explorer bar too much when learning to use new elements.
Additional Panes
The additional two main panes are:
the Business Objects list where you can view add variables from attached Business Objects, as well as set the parameter(s) for the Business Object to filter the result set,
and the Repository explorer. This last I tend to close as I will have one repository almost all the time. We may have three, Development, Testing and Production. Typically we would not allow access to Production from the same PC, but read-only access may be granted. In some strict environments we will have a fourth for integration testing.
Typically we will open the pane separately to use this.
From the Repository pane you can drag and drop libraries to include, or in fact ‘reference’ in your project. What is not obvious is that you have to drag a version. Dragging the main container seems to work, but it in fact does nothing. We assume doing that should reference the latest version – at least that would be the result if you followed the Principle of Least Astonishment™
You also have a local offline storage for libraries. This is a neat way to keep your libraries stored offline. The list of services is stored in an XML file in the Designer directory. We hope there will be some way to edit these settings without resorting to editing XML, however!
Overall they are fairly similar in purpose to the same in Version 7, although the Toolbox used to be a toolbar, and serve the same purposes.
We tend to dock the properties box on the left and toolbox on the right for two reasons. Firstly it keeps the properties closer, and that reduces ‘mouse miles’, and secondly because the toolbox is often hidden, whereas the properties box is not. Keeping the properties box to the left prevents the main window jumping around when the toolbox disappears.
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