Visual Script Activities
We deliberately do not change the naming of any Visual Script activity. We also leave the Container name as is, unless it causes a naming conflict (as described on our Forum).
What we try to achieve is to ‘tell the story’ of what the code is doing. This is roughly equivalent to comments in code, althou vastly easier to read, typically. You can see fairly clearly in the above example what is occurring in the Visual Script, we feel.
If we have additional comments to make that do not fit on the Caption of the Activity, we add this to the description. This is not seen until you hover the mouse over the Activity, so is less likely to be seen. It is a very useful place to add notes that may be pertinent to developers maintaining the system, for example, but that do not add to the overall documentation.
Oddly enough, this tooltip actually stays up until you move the mouse, unlike others that disappear after about five seconds. That means you can actually read this one!
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